
public final class Webhooks extends Resource<Webhook>

Nylas Webhooks API

The Nylas Webhooks API allows your application to receive notifications in real-time when certain events occur.


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public Webhooks Webhooks(NylasClient client)


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Create a webhook destination

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public final WebhookDeleteResponse destroy(String webhookId)

Delete a webhook destination

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Extract the challenge parameter from a URL

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public final Response<Webhook> find(String webhookId)

Return a webhook destination

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Get the current list of IP addresses that Nylas sends webhooks from

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public final ListResponse<Webhook> list()

List all webhook destinations for the application

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public final Response<WebhookWithSecret> rotateSecret(String webhookId)

Update the webhook secret value for a destination

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public final Response<Webhook> update(String webhookId, UpdateWebhookRequest requestBody)

Update a webhook destination